The Junius Institute is pleased to announce the launch of its Colloquium program, pursued in collaboration with the doctoral program at Calvin Theological Seminary. The Junius Institute Colloquium formalizes on a more permanent basis a long-standing practice of the historical theology doctoral students of holding occasional public talks on Reformation and post-Reformation history. I’ll be serving as project director, and CTS doctoral candidate Jay Collier will be acting as project coordinator.
A major purpose of the Colloquium is to provide doctoral students “an outlet to present research on their dissertations and to be exposed to research projects in progress from graduates and established scholars.”
The Fall 2013 series opens this Friday with a talk from Jay Collier on the topic, “Troubles after Dort: Augustine, Perseverance, and the Real Story of the ‘Arminian’ Richard Montagu.” Details about time, location, and the rest of the Fall schedule are available at the project page.