Select colloquium lectures are available on the Junius Institute YouTube channel.
Fall 2015 Schedule
When: Friday, September 18, 3:30pm
Presenter: Todd M. Rester
Topic: “Reformation of Terms: Mining & Building Lexica of Early Modern Philosophy & Theology”
Location: Room 118a, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
When: Friday, October 9, 3:30pm
Presenter: Michael Lynch
Topic: “Covenant Theology and Hypothetical Universalism? A Look at John Davenant’s Federal Theology”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
When: Friday, November 13, 3:30pm
Presenter: Richard A. Muller
Topic: “Calvinist Thomism Revisited: William Ames (1576–1633) and the Divine Ideas”
Location: Room 118a, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
When: Friday, December 4, 3:30pm
Presenter: Adriaan Neele
Topic: “Jonathan Edwards and the Definition of Theology: A Parting of Ways in the Reformed Tradition?”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
Spring 2015
When: Friday, February 6, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Todd Rester and Andrew McGinnis
Topic: “Roman Law and Mosaic Polity in Reformed Thought: Franciscus Junius's Approach to Jurisprudence”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
When: Friday, March 6, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Jonathon Beeke
Topic: “Leiden University and the Twofold Kingdom of Christ”
Location: Covenant Room, Calvin Theological Seminary
When: Thursday, April 9, 10:00am to 11:30am
Presenter: Martin Klauber, Jeannine Olsen, Theodore Van Raalte, Donald Sinnema, Jason Zuidema
Topic: “The Theology of the French Reformed Churches”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
When: Friday, May 8, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Jae-Eun Park
Topic: “Active Justification or Eternal Justification? Reflections on English Antinomianism and Hyper-Calvinism”
Location: Covenant Room, Calvin Theological Seminary
Fall 2014
When: Friday, September 12, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Michael Lynch (Calvin Theological Seminary)
Topic: “Early Modern Hypothetical Universalism: Reflections on the Status Quaestionis and Modern Scholarship”
Location: Covenant Room, Calvin Theological Seminary
When: Friday, October 10, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Hyo-nam Kim (Calvin Theological Seminary)
Topic: “Thomas Goodwin on the Role of Faith in Man’s Covenant Relationship with God”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
When: Tuesday, November 11, 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Presenter: David Noe, Richard Muller, Todd Rester, David Sytsma, James DeJong (moderator)
Topic: “Franciscus Junius and the Development of the Reformed Tradition”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
When: Friday, December 12, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: David Urban (Calvin College)
Topic: “John Milton’s Hermeneutic of Parables”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
Spring 2014
When: Friday, February 7, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Donald W. Sinnema (Trinity Christian College)
Topic: “The Project to Publish a Critical Edition of the Documents of the Synod of Dordt (1618–1619): The Sources, with a Focus on the Drafting of the Canons of Dordt”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
When: Friday, March 7, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Byung Hoon Woo (Calvin Theological Seminary)
Topic: “Is John Owen’s Doctrine of the Pactum Salutis Tritheism?”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
When: Friday, April 11, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Hyo-nam Kim (Calvin Theological Seminary)
Topic: “Thomas Goodwin, Saving Faith, and the Application of Redemption”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
(Rescheduled for October 10, 2014)
When: Friday, May 9, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Ted Van Raalte (Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary)
Topic: “Digitized Research Methods for Solving Pseudonymity: A New Discovery of Ten Volumes Printed under a Fictitious Name and Place in the 1580s.”
Location: Auditorium, Calvin Theological Seminary
Fall 2013
When: Friday, September 13, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Jay T. Collier (Calvin Theological Seminary)
Topic: “Troubles after Dort: Augustine, Perseverance, and the Real Story of the ‘Arminian’ Richard Montagu”
Location: Auditorium, CTS
When: Friday, October 11, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: Todd M. Rester (Junius Institute)
Topic: “Scholastic Piety: Approaches and Degrees of Difference in Bernardinus De Moor and Petrus van Mastricht”
Location: Auditorium, CTS
When: Tuesday, November 12, 1:30pm to 4:15pm
Presenter: David S. Sytsma (Junius Institute)
Topic: “Calvin, Daneau, and Physica Mosaica: Neglected Continuities at the Origins of an Early Modern Tradition”
Location: Upper Room, CTS
When: Friday, December 13, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Presenter: David C. Noe (Calvin College)
Topic: “Tractatus De Inusitata Theologia: The Challenges of Translating the Late Renaissance Scholastic Theologian Franciscus Junius.”
Location: Auditorium, CTS